Projects Updates

Updates on our current projects such as: upcoming events, conceptual plans, and surveys to gather community feedback will be posted here and on our Facebook page. Keep an eye out for new posts to keep up to date and to have your say.

Domain Playground Upgrade: Now Taking Donations

Domain Playground Upgrade: Now Taking Donations

Thanks to all of your feedback and submissions, we have an amazing draft concept for the Matamata Domain Playground Upgrade. To create a really special space for our community and take full advantage of this once-in-a-generation opportunity, our concept design costs...

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Project Play: Draft Upgrade Concept

Project Play: Draft Upgrade Concept

We are excited to share the first draft concept plan for the Matamata Domain Playground upgrade with you, and we would love to know what you think. Earlier this year we asked what you liked about the current playground and what you wanted to see included in the...

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Matamata Stadium Website

Matamata Stadium Website

Did you know there is a website for the Matmata Indoor Sports Stadium project? The website lists further information about the progress of the project, sponsorship levels, and investment options. You can also keep up to date with the latest figures for the fundraising...

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Project Play: Now Taking Submissions

Project Play: Now Taking Submissions

Matamata Futures works with our Council to bring local community projects to life, including more recently a new community playground. We have created a survey and are now asking for submissions to gather feedback and input into the project direction and design. If...

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